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Sunday Evening Service 6pm

Psalm 46 Who Would Win in a Fight?

July 19, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Psalm 46

One popular debate among children, especially young boys is “who would win in a fight?” We’re not talking about kids actually fighting each other here, but rather them proposing different characters, usually fictional, and asking “who would win in a fight?” Could the Hulk beat the Flash? Could Barney beat Big Bird? Could the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat the Power Rangers?

Inevitably, one kid would side strongly with one fighter, while the other would throw their allegiance behind the other. When it was clear that your side was losing, you would simply propose another character. “Ok, so maybe the Hulk could beat the Flash, but he couldn’t beat Superman!” (Superman was usually the end of most arguments in which I participated). The point is that children naturally gravitate toward the stronger argument, and the stronger figure to which they can give their allegiance.

It used to be that people would swear their allegiance to the most powerful lord or king in the land. That king would demand sacrifices of his subjects like taxes or serving in his castle or army. In exchange, that king would protect his people. Fictional characters demand no such sacrifices, but they do provide protection for our arguments.

Of course, it’s foolish to engage in such an argument when the real answer is so obvious: Who would win in a fight? God, that's who. My God is stronger than the Hulk, the Flash, the Power Rangers, and Superman combined. First of all, God is stronger because He is real, while the others are all imaginary. But even if the others were real, my God is greater. As the psalmist says, He is my refuge and my strength.


Please read Psalm 46.


God is strong both defensively and offensively. Defensively, God provides a refuge to which I can flee in times of need. He is my source of strength and my help in times of trouble. He shall not be moved, so He is the impenetrable fortress in which I hide. Though the earth itself give way through earthquakes and floods and meteors and other ‘natural disasters,’ nothing can defeat the defense of God. He is my Rock; my Protector. When I trust in Him, I cannot be moved.

But God is more than just a rock to hide behind. He is also powerful offensively. When God attacks, no one can withstand Him. With just His voice, God can melt the earth. After all, He spoke and the earth was made; He can speak again and destroy His creation. He has proved His offensive power in the past through numerous desolations that He has brought upon those who thought they were strong in their own might. He has the power to stop armies in their tracks, to shatter their weapons of war and destroy their vehicles of destruction.

God will win the fight!

What is our reaction? “Be still, and know that I am God.” Why would I fear an army, when I can trust in God? Why would I fear a pandemic, when I can trust in God? Why would I fear my enemies, when I can trust in God?

I shall not fear. I have no reason to be afraid. I have God on my side. He will always win in a fight.


Jenny Balzano

Jun 28, 2021

My God is my rock and my fortress. He has been my strength in times of struggles and loss. “Be still and know that I am God”- I am learning to listen as I am getting older. To take quiet time in my busy life and listening. God will fight my battles. All I have to do is take my needs to him.