Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

Church Service Times

Sunday School 9:45 am 

Sunday Morning Service 11 am - 12:15 pm

Sunday Evening Service 6 pm - 7pm  


Sunday Morning Service: Our service begins with a welcome, a time of praise and worship, and prayer, followed by the preaching of God's Word. We are currently in a series on Philippians.

Sunday Evening Service: Our service begins with a time of intercessory prayer and praise, followed by the preaching of God's Word. We are currently studying through the Book of Isaiah.

Adult Bible Fellowship Group: An extended time of fellowship and prayer, followed by a brief study in God's Word. Check out the Small Group Bible Studies page for more info. 

Children: Our children's program is called 3:10. It is an alternative for young children during the Sunday morning worship service. Children are encouraged to join their families for worship and most of the service, but will be dismissed downstairs during the sermon time for an age appropriate lesson. Check out the 3:10 page for more info.

Teens: Our teen's program is called EPIC. Check out the EPIC page for more info.