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Psalm 18:46-50 God, My Deliverer

July 19, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Psalm 18

Today we conclude our study of Psalm 18 by reading verses 46-50. This seems like a good conclusion to our study because this is David’s conclusion to this Psalm. Through this Psalm, we have worshipped God by six titles: “God, my Strength,” “God, my Savior,” “God, my Rescuer,” “God, my Righteous Judge,” “God, my Provider,” and “God, the Head of Nations.” David will add a seventh title by which we can worship God in these verses: “God, my Deliverer,” but, as a skilled author, he will also bring back allusions to each of the previous six titles.

Try to look for those allusions as you read Psalm 18:46-50 now.


We began our study by worshipping “God, my Strength.” David alludes to this in verse 46 when he refers to God as “my rock.” The word for rock is used throughout the Psalms to refer to strength.

Later in the verse, David alludes to “God, my Savior” by calling Him “The God of my salvation.”

He says that “God, my Rescuer” “rescued me” in verse 48.

In verses 47-48, he says that “God, my Righteous Judge” “gave me vengeance,” and “exalted me above those who rose against me.” Sounds like a righteous judgment to me!

In verse 49, David says “I will praise you” to “God, my Provider,” and then proceeds to list two more things that God has provided for Him: “great salvation,” and “steadfast love.”

And, of course, David worships “God, the Head of Nations” by praising Him “among the nations.”

While these are all great call backs to the different names of God in this Psalm, David’s focus in these final verses is on “God, my Deliverer.” From David’s perspective, God is the one who “delivered me from my enemies,” “rescued me” from Saul and my other adversaries, brought me “great salvation” and anointed me king. David was in danger, but God delivered him.

This is perhaps the strongest conclusion that we could give to this study. All of us are in danger from our sin and its penalty, but God can deliver us as well. That’s why God sent His Son: to die on the cross, paying the price for our sins; to rise again from the grave, proving His victory over sin; and to speak to us today, delivering us from the power of sin in our lives.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just like He was for David, so He wants to be for you. Will you let Him deliver you from your sin? Will you let Him save you from eternal damnation? Will you let Him be your head? Provide for you? Judge you? Will you let Him be your strength?

Or will you continue to rely on your own strength, provide for yourself, serve yourself, and trust in your own good works to deliver you from the coming judgment?

Each one of us has a choice to make. I for one am happy to praise God among the nations, as David did. He has delivered me from this body of death, and given me a new heart, a new spirit, a new hope, and a new destiny. Praise be to God, my Deliverer!


Jenny Balzano

Jan 27, 2021

I will choose to praise my God. I will lean on him for my strength and understanding. I will worship him. I will choose to let him lead me in my life. He provides for me and my family. He is my rock and my strong tower. He is my light house in the dark. He is and has always been the very same God. His ways stay true and never change. He has provided us with clear instruction for life- we must choose to read, learn, study and hide them in our hearts until his return.