July 21, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 0 comments
Posted in: Genesis 42
The head football coach in Tampa Bay has a funny expression he uses to describe his offense: “No risk it, no biscuit.” On the surface, it doesn’t make sense—maybe he just likes it because it rhymes. But what he means is, “my quarterback has to take chances throwing the ball down field. If he doesn’t take chances, we won’t score.”
Some coaches love this philosophy. Others prefer to play it a little safer: they want to run the ball or call short passing plays as they methodically work their way down the field to score. Still other coaches are not willing to take any chances at all. They would rather just have the quarterback snap the ball and then sit down, so that no one gets hurt. Ok, I made that last style of coach up—no one would play that way because they would never score or win any games.
But that is how some people live their lives—they don’t ever want to take any chances of losing what is precious to them. They would rather not play the game than risk losing. That seems to be the attitude of Jacob in today’s passage.
Please read Genesis 42:36-38.
Jacob has been hurt. Jacob has suffered loss. He has been told that his favorite son, Joseph, has been killed, and now another son, Simeon, is put in prison. His family will soon starve but he’s in too much pain to do anything about it. His sons tell him about their trip to Egypt and the demand of the governor to see Benjamin before giving them any food. But Jacob is appalled at the idea that Benjamin too could be taken from him. His fear of losing Benjamin freezes him into inaction. He would rather have his whole family die a slow death of starvation than have Benjamin be taken from him.
His actions don’t make sense. But fear rarely does. Have you ever had a similar experience where fear has paralyzed you? You were excited about a new opportunity, but then you started to think about all the negative consequences that could happen if you took that chance, accepted that new job, tried that new hobby, talked to that person about Christ, or stepped out of your comfort zone. So you froze. You just stayed right where you were.
If you don’t take a chance, then you can’t get hurt. Right?
That’s where Jacob is at. He’s been hurt before, so now he doesn’t want to risk anything else. He would rather sit and spend time with his son while his family starves than risk losing Benjamin in Egypt. How tragic.
But fear is a liar. Fear doesn’t need to have that kind of power in your life. Jesus Christ is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. He holds all things in His hands. And He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. Even if you lose everything, you will never lose Him. You can trust Him. Allow your faith in Christ to motivate you to risk it all and follow Him. Take those chances that He calls you to take, and watch how He blesses you.