Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

Psalm 23:1 The Lord is My Shepherd

July 19, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Psalm 23

Psalm 23 has been called “the pearl of the Psalms.” While every phrase of the Word of God has value, some passages are more beloved than others. Throughout the centuries, myriads of believers have found joy and contentment in this beloved Psalm.

You may have already memorized Psalm 23, but, if not, then I’d encourage you to do so while we meditate on its depth. We will only we studying a verse, or maybe even a phrase each day, as we make our way through this Psalm. But, as we meditate on it slowly, I’d encourage you to read through the entire Psalm each day, and slowly let it sink into your memory. If you can hide this pearl in your heart, it will bring you great joy for the rest of your life.


Please read Psalm 23 now, even though we will only focus on verse 1 today: “The Lord is my shepherd.”


These words were spoken by a man who himself served many years as a shepherd. We can imagine little David sitting in the pasture, singing this beautiful Psalm to his flocks around him. Or, perhaps, he wrote it later in life, while reminiscing about a simpler time. Either way, it is a serene picture of the shepherd peacefully singing to his sheep.

Yet, David does not put himself in the position of the shepherd: he makes himself a lowly sheep. As a keeper of the sheep, David understood how needy they were. These creatures are weak, defenseless, foolish, and completely dependent upon their shepherd for protection, guidance, provision, support, and comfort. A sheep was not a wild animal; it was the property of its owner, and had no autonomy.

Who would want to be a sheep? How low must we humble ourselves to take on that mantle?!

But that’s the point: I am but a lowly sheep; I can do nothing on my own; I am weak and needy, but, He is strong.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. He knows us, and we know Him. He calls us by name, and we listen to His voice and follow Him. He has laid down His life for us, so that we might live through Him.

But Jesus is not just the Good Shepherd. David confidently declares that Jesus is my shepherd. He’s not just the shepherd of the world, but the shepherd of my soul. It is easy to be humble and picture myself as a lowly sheep when I know that it is the Lord of glory who will care for me as my Shepherd. “If He is a Shepherd to no one else, He is a Shepherd to me; He cares for me, watches over me, and preserves me” (Charles Spurgeon).

This Psalm is personal, because our Lord is personal. Jesus loves and cares for you as your shepherd. Tomorrow, we will dive a little deeper into what that care entails, but for now, let us rest in that blessed promise: The Lord is my shepherd.


Jenny Balzano

Feb 23, 2021

The Lord is MY Shepherd!