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Psalm 19:1-6 The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

July 19, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Psalm 19

It has been said that there are two great books of God: that of nature and that of Scripture. The wise person reads both books and understands that they are written by the same author.

God gave His written Book to the nation of Israel centuries before He Himself came down to this earth to die for their sins. Israel was blessed indeed as they were given unique insight through God’s special revelation into the character and attributes of God. Yet, all people have been given some insight into the character and attributes of God through His other book: nature. For instance, all people have the privilege to go outside and look at the sky and ponder the vastness of God, to look at the variety of living creatures and meditate on the creativity of their Creator, or to listen to a thunder storm and think of the power of God.

Later in Psalm 19, David will give God glory for His written book of Scripture, but today, we will focus on the beginning of this Psalm, verses 1-6. In these verses, we will give God glory for His other book: the book of nature.

Please read Psalm 19:1-6 now.


It has been estimated that David likely wrote this Psalm to be used as his morning prayer or for use in early morning worship. He likely imagined it would be sung while one watches the sun rise in the sky and meditates on the greatness of God.

We could follow the pattern that has been used for centuries in the church, and read this Psalm in the morning… or we could read it in the afternoon… or the evening. At every moment of the day and night, God’s power, wisdom, and goodness are being declared by the heavens.

David chooses to focus on the rising of the sun. He pictures the sun rising like a bridegroom leaving his chamber. If you’ve ever been to a wedding, then you know how well-dressed the groom is (for some men this is the only time in their life they will wear a tuxedo!), and you know how joyful, if also nervous, he is to see his bride walking toward him. This is the picture of the sun coming up each morning: clothed in beauty and joy.

The sun is also described as a strong man running his course with joy. As a champion runs a race, so the sun consistently speeds across the sky in its pre-ordained path. The sun is so strong indeed that nothing can hide from its powerful heat. Yet, God “has set a tent for the sun.” God is even more beautiful, powerful, and filled with joy than the sun which He created.

We could think all these thoughts about the sun, and agree with David that “the heavens declare the glory of God." Or, we could go outside at night and look at the stars. I’m always amazed at how many stars there are in our galaxy! And how many galaxies are in the universe! And how many more celestial bodies are being discovered every day! When I look at the stars of night, I too agree with David that “the heavens declare the glory of God.”

The language that David uses is such that the heavens continuously declare the glory of God. “Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” It’s as if God’s glory is too great to be contained by a single day, so it overflows into the next night, and again into the next day, and so on into eternity. Whether it is day or night, you can go outside and look to the heavens as they are declaring the glory of God.

How could someone ever look at the sky and not think, “wow! There must be a pretty great God to have made all of that!”? As Christians, who are given even more insight into the nature of this God, we should never cease to look at the marvels of God’s creation and agree, “wow! God sure is pretty great to have made all of that!” Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God.


Jenny Balzano

Feb 1, 2021

The ode to the Heavens. When I was young- I would lie on the ground looking at the sky and the clouds. Sometimes friends would accompany, sometimes my Mom. We would look at a cloud and call out what it looked like. My sister has a Facebook album that is dedicated to the sky photos. It has become so popular that people from all over send her photos of the sky: different states and I believe she has some from different countries. The end result- God’s endless beauty can be seen by all.
I re-read be 2 “night to night reveals knowledge”. I wonder if he is talking about resting in his knowledge. At night, our mind is at rest. We can wake up refreshed and at night, God helps us to work through our thoughts- which would be knowledge.