Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

The Death of Joseph (Genesis 50:22-26)

July 21, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 2 comments

Posted in: Genesis 50

Today marks the end of a long journey of blog posts. We began our study of Genesis as a Sunday Evening Bible Study on Origins. But when COVID caused us to shut down, I sought to continue our study through online means. When the blog posts reached the end of our Origins series, I felt led by the Spirit to continue them through the rest of Genesis. Consequently, we have studied the Patriarchal narratives as we moved through The Life of Abraham, The Life of Jacob and Esau, and The Life of Joseph.

Today, we will conclude our study of the Life of Joseph as we look at his death in Genesis 50:22-26. But before we get into that passage, I wanted to make two announcements:

  1. We have resumed our Sunday Evening Bible Study! Beginning November 8th, we have resumed meeting on Sunday nights at 6pm. We will be studying “God’s Pursuit of Jonah” for the next 4 weeks. Please come join us!
  1. I had planned on stopping these blog posts when we resumed our Sunday Evening Bible Study, but, after much prayer, and considering that these posts have been reaching more people than are able to attend our services in person, I have decided to continue them with a new series. We will take a small break for the rest of this week, but on Monday morning, November 16th, we will begin a new blog post journey through… THE PSALMS! These precious poems have encouraged followers of God for centuries. Hopefully this will be every bit as edifying for you as our journey through Genesis has been.


Now, please read Genesis 50:22-26 as we begin today’s devotional.

While Genesis details the struggles of Joseph’s youth, and they were extensive, these verses remind us that God also blessed him with decades of success and prosperity in Egypt. He lived to see his children, his grandchildren, his great grandchildren, and his great-great grandchildren grow and proser in the land that he had successfully ruled for many years. God had truly blessed Joseph.

Yet, Joseph always remembered that this land over which he ruled for many years was not his true home. Joseph always remembered that God had promised a land specifically to his great-grandfather that would be passed down to his descendants. So Joseph reminds his family that God will fulfill his promise, and when He does, Joseph demands that his descendants bring his bones up to that Promised Land.

There is a wonderful hope expressed by Joseph in these verses. No matter what trials or blessings he had in this life, he knows that something greater is yet to come. Joseph has placed his hope in God, and He knows that God is always faithful to His promises. Even as he lay dying, Joseph remembers the precious promise of his Lord to bring His people into the Promised Land.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we too have a great promise before us: God has promised that we will spend all of eternity in a wonderful place that He is preparing for us. Heaven will be remarkable: a new earth free from the evils of sin; new resurrection bodies free from fleshly temptation; intimate fellowship with other believers, free from the shame of our pasts; the abilities to create marvelous things, to work without the sweat of our brow, to worship without limitation, to know God more deeply, and to be fully known by Him.

Heaven is a wonderful promise! God has given us His Holy Spirit as a down-payment to remind us of what is yet to come. So, no matter what trials or blessings we experience in this life, like Joseph, let us always keep our eyes focused on God’s promise yet to come.


Jenny Balzano

Nov 12, 2020

God has put another song in my heart after reading this blog and the Bible passage.
“ I've a home prepared where the saints abide
Over in the glory land
I long to be by my Saviors side
Over in the glory land
Just over in the glory land
I'll join (yes join) the happy angels band
Over in the glory land
Just over in the glory land
There with (yes with) the mighty host I'll stand
Over in the glory land
I'm on my way to those mansions fair
Over in the glory land
There to sing Gods praise and his glory share
Over in the glory land
What a joyful thought that my Lord Ill see
Over in the glory land
And the kindred say there forever I'll be
Over in the glory land”

Jenny Balzano

Nov 12, 2020

God has put another song in my heart after reading this blog and the Bible passage.
“ I've a home prepared where the saints abide
Over in the glory land
I long to be by my Saviors side
Over in the glory land
Just over in the glory land
I'll join (yes join) the happy angels band
Over in the glory land
Just over in the glory land
There with (yes with) the mighty host I'll stand
Over in the glory land
I'm on my way to those mansions fair
Over in the glory land
There to sing Gods praise and his glory share
Over in the glory land
What a joyful thought that my Lord Ill see
Over in the glory land
And the kindred say there forever I'll be
Over in the glory land”