Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

The Death of Jacob (Genesis 49:28-33)

July 21, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Genesis 49

If you knew that you were dying soon, what would be your final words?

Jacob has spoken most of what he wants to say, and will speak once more before he breathes his last in today’s Scripture passage.


Please read Genesis 49:28-33.

In Chapters 48 and 49, Jacob is preparing for his death. He knows he is about to die, so he makes sure to tell Joseph exactly where to bury him so that his body may rest with his ancestors. But before he gets into the burial logistics, he blesses each child with “the blessing suitable to him.”

The last words that Scripture records of Jacob are regarding his burial plot, but the last thoughts he had were of each of his sons. As his body was slipping away, and he was preparing to breath his last, he made sure to bless each son (and two grandsons!), with a blessing suitable to them. That means that he spent his last days thinking about the character of his sons—what they meant to him, the experiences he’s had with them, and what kind of men they might become. Those were his final thoughts before he passed away.

I have heard many people share similar stories: no one is ever laying on their deathbed thinking about possibilities they had to make more money, have more success, or become more famous. People on their deathbed reflect on their relationships: the times they spent with their children; wondering what kind of people their grandchildren will become; the love they shared with their spouse; the trips they took together as a family; the joy they shared with their church family; and being with Jesus for all of eternity.

If we know that we are about to die, we don’t worry so much about the things that this world says are important. When we start to think about death, we realize the things that are truly important: friends, family, and faith.

Unfortunately, if we are about to die, that means that we don’t have much time left to focus on these truly important things. Why not reprioritize your life now?

Hang up that phone call and play with your kids.

Turn off the TV to talk with your spouse.

Take a trip with the family, or have a stay-cation that you’ll always remember.

Spend some time in the Word of God, in prayer, and listening to godly counsel.

Show up to church early to pray, serve, or worship the Lord.

Friends, family, and faith are not just the most important things to us when we die—they should be the most important things to us while we live!


Jenny Balzano

Nov 9, 2020

Your blog is on point! Family, friends and fellowship have always been near and dear to my family throughout the generations. God has always been the center of these times and this still holds true. Losing my Father in Feb 2017 and my mother in July 2018 (at very young ages of 67 and 64) has left a void in our hearts. However, we stand strong in our faith and know that we will see them again one day in Glory land. We have always stood firm: A family that Prays together- stays together. Although life is busy and we work hard- we are purposeful in making time with our family. We still have dinner every Sunday. This has grown to be a tradition with not only our blood family but our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our family truly believes in showing the love of Jesus to others. We are not perfect but our house is built on the solid Rock!