Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

Thank you for visiting our Sermons Page. You can listen to a semon on your computer or download it and listen to it on your iPod or mp3 player. Whether you missed a Sunday and want to hear the message, or you are curious about what the preaching and teaching is like here, it is our desire that the Word of God will be explained in an understandable way. At FHCC, we seek not to preach ourselves, but we seek to Preach Christ!


Gregg Hunter - Jesus First (Col. 1:15-23)

Aug 4, 2019 | Scripture: Colossians 1:15– :23

Gregg Hunter - 1 John 1:5-2:2

Jul 28, 2019 | Scripture: 1 John 1:5– 2:2