Sunday Worship 11 am

Sunday Evening Service 6pm

The Interpretation of Dreams (Genesis 40:1-23)

July 21, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 0 comments

Posted in: Genesis 40

One of the blessings of following God is receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God gives His servants unique gifts that we can use for His glory. There are several lists of specific gifts in the New Testament, and many people have tried to create extensive tests so that Christians can best determine which of these are the gift that the Holy Spirit has given to them. But I can save you a lot of time and energy and help you to avoid the tests with this little bit of advice: every ability that you have is a gift from the Holy Spirit.

Are you a skilled reader? Thank God. Are you a good musician? Thank God. Are you a good listener? Thank God. Are you good with crafts? Good at making cards? Good at encouragement? Thank God. Are you wise? Intelligent? Courageous? Generous? Loving? Thank God!

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights. Everything that you are good at is a gift from God. He’s the one who has given you that ability, so use it for His glory.

Today, we will see how Joseph uses his unique gift from God, the interpretation of dreams, for God’s glory.


Please read Genesis 40:1-23.

When asked about the interpretation of dreams, Joseph says “do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me” (40:8). This statement has two parts: (1) Joseph gives God the glory for the interpretation that is about to come, and (2) Joseph does all the work in interpreting the dreams and communicating their interpretations.

Why is this important for us today? Because, just like Joseph, God has given each one of us unique gifts, and He has called us to use those gifts for His glory. But, like Joseph, we must work to use those gifts, even though they are a gift from God. The athlete must run, the guitarist must play, the cook must bake, and the janitor must mop. But God gets the glory.

God has given Joseph the unique ability to understand divine dreams. Without prayer, without consulting God or performing any rituals, Joseph simply understands these dreams. And he uses his understanding to give God the glory.

Now, of course Joseph also asks that he will be remembered when the cupbearer is raised back up, but that plan falls through. What does happen is that God is glorified through Joseph’s use of his God given gift.

As you go out today, may you too use whatever gifts God has given you for His glory.