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Sunday Evening Service 6pm

Psalm 25:4-5 Teach Me, Lord

July 19, 2021 | by: Gregg Hunter | 1 comments

Posted in: Psalm 25

Have you ever gone to God with a singular focus? David has! In verses 4-5 of Psalm 25, David has one plea, though he repeats it over and over in different words: God, teach me your ways.

I remember getting saved as a teenager, and then attending youth group week after week. Each week, I would hear some new instruction from God’s Word, some new miraculous story from either Testament, or some new words of encouragement from my Savior. I began to hunger for God’s Word. I didn’t know how to read the Bible on my own, though I had been given one for my own use. I eagerly prayed something similar to David in this Psalm: “God, teach me your Word!”

Some people think that pastors seem to have the perfect prayer for every occasion, but I sure didn’t. I would just pray short simple prayers over and over again: “God teach me your Word;” “God, I don’t understand this, what does it mean?” “God, help me to know Your Word;” “God, help me to know You.” And other such prayers, day after day as I’d open His Word and hunger for Him.

That is the attitude that David is expressing in these verses; the attitude of a new believer hungry for God’s instruction. Hopefully, it is the attitude that every believer continues to have as we hunger for our Lord.


Please read Psalm 25:4-5.


David uses the word “teach” twice in these verses, but he expresses their sentiment four times! “Make me to know,” “teach me,” “lead me in your truth,” and “teach me.” Can’t you hear the eager young follower of God, desperately pleading to know more about His Master?

Yet, David is not so bold as to ask God to reveal Himself to this young believer. Rather, he asks God to teach him “your ways,” “your paths,” and “your truth.” If he could just know what God wanted of him, then David would gladly obey!

If only that were true! Far too many of us know what God’s Word says… and we fail to obey it. Perhaps the real plea of David is not just to know God’s will, but to be empowered to walk in it. One commentator expressed the desire like this: “Father, tell me the way. Then teach my little trembling feet to walk in it.”

O Lord, help us to follow You! Help us to know what you want from us, and then give us the power to obey!

Fortunately, David reminds us that God will answer this humble prayer. He is “the God of my salvation.” Thank you God for saving me! Teach me to follow you!


Jenny Balzano

Mar 10, 2021

These verses remind me of learning something new- whatever it may be: riding a bike, reading a book, being saved by God’s grace. Practice makes perfect they say. We are so eager to learn and master our new found joy. We dive in head first. As a new believer- we are hungry for God’s word. As seasoned Christians, we sometimes become stale and judgmental-I don’t think it is intentional but we begin taking the newness for granted. My daily prayer is to simply be still and know: listen to what God is telling me. I want to be like the Psalms “O Lord teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me”.